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A Message regarding Memberships:


The SEK Museum Alliance Board recognizes that in order to grow and be able to provide services to our museums it is necessary to have paid memberships. A proposal for fees and benefits passed unanimously in February of 2022. 


We encourage all museums that meet our definition to become dues paying members of the Alliance. Our museum definition in ARTICLE 1, SECTION 3 of our By-Laws states:  "For the purpose of this association and these by-laws, a museum shall be a non-profit institution housed in a building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic or cultural interests are stored and exhibited". 

Although general meetings will remain open to all museums and persons interested in SEK Museums, member museums will have privileges and benefits not available to general meeting participants. 

Southeast Kansas Museum Alliance (SEK MA) offers Individual, Institutional, and Business/Industry memberships. Paid membership supports the viability and sustainability of the SEK MA. Members represent a range of museums and organizations, professionals, and museum operators in a 15-county region of Southeast Kansas.

The SEK MA is dedicated to nurturing collaboration among museums, supporting museums by promoting their events and activities, sharing resources, and providing learning opportunities that advance the unique histories of the region.


Calendar-year Annual Membership Fees:

** Institutional                                               

  • Annual budget less than $10,000            $25.00

  • Annual budget greater than $10,000       $50.00                                   

  • Business/Industry                                 $100.00

** Individual      $20.00        


Having  more dues paying members is the next step in our maturity as a professional, corporation. Income from dues  has already allowed us to become a 501(c)3 non-profict organization, maintain our website, and cover operational costs.  Continued memberships will allow our progress to continue, while we work to provide marketing & advertising funds, expand and enhance our educational programs,  and improve tourism in SE Kansas.  Paid members will be able to share their events on this website's calendar and will have a link to their museum included on the '"Visit SE Kansas" tab under their respective county.  Get your museum and activities SEEN by those that plan to visit our area!


Join us today!  You won't regret it! 

Print, complete & mail with check to
Jolene Born, PO Box 113, St. Paul, KS 66771

SEK Museum Alliance
PO Box 381  Independence, KS 67301

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